Blue Shield Austria together with Roerich Pact Austria, Europahaus Burgenland, Forum Katholische Erwachsenenbildung, Katholisches Bildungswerk and Forum Martinus of the Diocese of Eisenstadt organized the lecture evening "PAX CULTURA“ on cultural heritage protection in times of crisis which took place on 7 December in Eisenstadt, Burgenland (eastern Austria). General-Secretary Leylya Strobl gave insights at the current, devastating destruction of cultural property in the war against Ukraine and highlighted the importance of precautionary measures. The Austrian expertise in the protection of cultural property as well as the work of the Austrian Committee was presented by vice-president Peter Harold, president Karl Habsburg-Lothringen highlighted the international perspective and talked about the Blue Shield mission in Lebanon after the Beirut port explosion. Further speakers were Hans Göttel and Alexander M. Wessely. The event marked the start of a focus on awareness activities in the federal states of Austria that will be continued in 2023. The Blue Shield Austria Board 2022 WATch the lecture evening
March 2024
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